THOSE CAMPAIGNS THAT target prospects when they’re most willing to listen, emote, and act gain more traction. The importance of such receptive moments are best utilized for retargeting when digital marketing gains prominence. Statistics inform more than 97% first-time website visitors choose not to purchase anything. Unless marketers brought them back to website, advertising spent on wheedling prospects is dollars down the tubes. Consequently, paid ads were inserted using display network to help converting visitors to customers. Later in the 2010s, logic engines were programmed backend to score products and use machine learning to discover what performed best. Similar tactics in remarketing are still used to target consumers to urge them to purchase products more frequently and/or purchase more of the other products the company sells. By giving a small discount, marketers are able to entice those who abandon their carts after making a purchase decision using the approaches of retargeting.
Moment marketing as a concept may be inspired by the techniques employed in retargeting (selling to a lost prospect) and remarketing (upselling or cross-selling to a consumer), but by capitalizing on having the right message at the right moment, it can also metamorphose favorable perceptions into successful realities of the brand.
Moment marketing can use appropriate feeds of data, IP address, or preferences from social media profile to leverage audience segmentation, and thereby, target specific market segments with custom messages. An advertisement’s image, product, text or calls-to-action can be dynamically changed to deliver relevant messages to an individual. Some vendors permit the entire template of the message to be altered for best outcome. The personalization of the dynamic advertisement uses logic from a programmable decisioning tree.
Since it would not make sense for New Yorkers to see airfare deals between Chicago and Los Angeles, at Sudio Advisory, we optimized such dynamic creative messages to industries that pertain to geolocation. By selecting appropriate offers from a table of data based on the geolocation, we’ve had great impact with impressions at the time of ad serving. More recently, however, we extended moment marketing to sports/gaming industry. Dynamic creative optimization can be used to bring consumers’ perceptions of a sports club or players to their reality.
Let’s suppose a zealot of the New York Yankees is also an avid fan of MLB star Aaron Judge. With data scrubbing technologies, we can glean such information from published preferences in social media sites. How cool would it be to insert a message in an adherent’s social media feed at the top of the seventh inning of a Yankee game? Moment marketing is a dominant feature of modern campaigns because such micro marketing communications are most relevant to consumers as an event unfolds. Moment marketing ably aligns consumer’s perception to the brand’s reality. We see client’s ROI soar 6-12% when we take advantages of such opportunities in current events to craft relevant messages across omni channels and devices.
The reality is that in the age of the mobile, moment marketing not only recognizes the fundamental change in how people consume media, but capitalizes on how to capture their attention, arouse their emotion, and spur them into action. In those micro-second bursts, clever campaigns created by hijacking a trending topic and weaving relevant content, brands not only aim to draw people to become part of the conversation, but gives an edge to make brands stand out.